Friday, May 29, 2009

Revelations and Determination

Something I wanted to bring up here that I think is really important. My weight loss journey really started a looonnng time ago. It started waaayyyy back in 1976 when I started a new school as a 6th grader - a private school where the kids were all friends since Kindergarten. I didn't fit in. My uniform was homemade pants, and not the "cute" little pleated skirt the others wore, my hair was kind of blaahh- not blond, not a beautiful dark brown. I am pretty sure I was not a confident kid, instead carried myself as one who could be bullied - and I was. It was around this time, I decided I was fat and ugly. I wasn't fat or ugly, but I believed I was. Walking down the aisle during my wedding, I believed I was fat. (I'll scan a wedding photo soon - really, you can check it out yourself).

So, what is my point in all of this? It's that I think women (and maybe men too) don't see ourselves very clearly. We find some flaw and we (some of us) blow it out of proportion.

The challenge is how do we (I) see clearly? How can I see myself the way God sees me, the way He created me? I know He created me in His image. I know He has a plan for my life. Someone told me that I am "A daughter of The King". That makes me a Princess. Princesses are beautiful and graceful and elegant and perfect. I'm God's Princess, His Daughter. He doesn't see fat or thin He sees inside the eyes of the heart - the part of me that cries with others when they are in pain. The part of me who tears up with joy when one of my kids or their teammates do something great. The part of me who cries with my friend when she tells me how sad her husband is. The part of me who laughs at the right times too. I have been embarrassed by my tears. But that is who I am. From now on no apologies. I will cry with you, laugh with you, and often I will cry and then laugh at my silly reason for crying.
I also have responsiblity to care for the shell that God gave this soul. That's where I am now. Ready to care for the Daughter of the King.

It's Friday!

My Phase One nutritional supplements came today. I'm on a lunch break at work and I am SO excited to get home and dive into the package!! I'm not actually starting the cleanse until tomorrow. My daughter Meagan and I are starting together.

I have had so many people ask me about the products after reading my blog, I am going to schedule a conference call about them. I will post the time and 800 number to call when I have it set. I am thinking that we can get a "lean in 13" support group together. Many of us have more than a month's worth of losing to do and a group support team will help each of us attain our goals!

Email me at for more information about getting started.

I will be (gulp) posting my measurements on Monday. Gonna get some help making sure I do them right so I can keep track of my progress. I know, I can see progress already in the way my clothes fit, but I want to be able to say "I lost XX inches from around my middle". It's the competitive side of me I think - I gotta have a "score".

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

May 27, 2009

Wow - When it rains it pours. In my case, it's a good thing. Saturday morning I will begin my Lean in 13 program. Next Monday, I will begin working out with a personal trainer! YIKES!! One of my co-workers is the Pole Vaulting Coach for the High School near here. He is excited about my excitement for my weight loss program and has offered to (FOR FREE) be my personal trainer along with another of our co-workers.

All I can say is Advocare - take care of my muscles 'cause I think it could be painful!! What's a plank? I think I can do a lunge...pull-ups? SPRINTS?? aiyiyi -

In for a penny in for a (loss of) pounds. And away we go....

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day

So, we took the family and some friends over to Moclips, WA on the Pacific Coast for the day. It's supposed to be a 2.5 hour drive. It took us bit longer. Darned kids and their potty breaks!! My son was in a car with our two youngest boys and another friend and her son. THEY had the bad luck - whew. Ticketed for speeding which they SWEAR they weren't, didn't take the right exit (never relay directions to a thirteen year old in the very back of the car), and in general had a tough time arriving.

Let me tell you it was a glorious day. The kids all went body surfing and/or body boarding. The water was cold, but not so cold that they couldn't get in. The dog discovered that she really DOES have retriever in her and for the first time in her 2 and 1/2 years went INTO the water and had a great time!

Why am I blogging on my weight loss journal about this? Well because something else happened that was very cool. First, I felt like walking so went down the beach maybe 1/2 a mile myself. I reflected on the greatness of the ocean, the beauty that God has for us in nature and just how cool my life is right now. My spiritual renewal time was awesome. I had the foresight to pack a myriad of balls and mitts and such this trip. My husband grabbed the soccer ball and I looked up from my chair and said "Self, you played soccer - go play pass with him". So I hauled myself up and we not only played pass, but RAN DOWN THE BEACH passing the ball back and forth. This is HUGE thing for me. I don't run - well, I didn't think I could run - but I DID run and we passed the ball back and forth and we had a blast. Within about 10 minutes, some of the kids joined us and we had a great time playing soccer on the beach.

Why is this significant? I am currently 130 pounds overweight. I have not had that kind of energy in years. Today - I can see that the weight loss is going to go well. I'm MOVING my body again, which is such a huge part of any weight loss program. And this morning, despite going to bed past 2 am and waking up at 7:45 - I have energy, I'm awake and ready for the day.

I'll post pictures of our trip later - and I'm gonna get my measurements taken too!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Watch me Shrink!!

May 26, 2009

So, I started this process a couple of weeks ago. I am determined to lose this extra 100+ pounds I've put on. After 8 kids and 27 years of marriage - I think I am ready to get my self back in shape and have a more active life.

OK, well my life is active - taking kids to baseball, soccer, jobs, school functions, cheerleading, youth group, mall shopping (I have 5 girls!!) etc etc. Not to mention working 5 days a week. I'm busy. I'm just not moving my body much.

SO that's about to change...well, it HAS changed already - but you are going to be able to witness the transformation, if you are so inclined.

2 weeks ago I started using Advocare. They have an energy drink called SPARK that is awesome. I added a product called CATALYST because I heard that people have actually lost weight just with these two products.

Guess what? I've lost a bit of weight, but I FEEL so much better than I have in the past several years I can't believe it! I have more energy, I'm not relyingon coffee to get my "ummph". I don't get caffeine headaches at all, and I haven't had coffee in 5 days! Another great benefit is that I'm not hungry in between meals. That's right - I do NOT crave chocolate, sugar or high carb snacks.

SO - on the 27th or so, I am getting my next step - called Lean in 13. An Herbal Cleanse, some other nutritional supplements that I will talk about later. I am going to jump start this old body into being productive in it's fat use.

Watch me as I shrink away into the Michelle Pfieffer body I know lurks beneath the surface. (OK, I may not be quite as tall, or blonde, or famous...)