Monday, May 25, 2009

Watch me Shrink!!

May 26, 2009

So, I started this process a couple of weeks ago. I am determined to lose this extra 100+ pounds I've put on. After 8 kids and 27 years of marriage - I think I am ready to get my self back in shape and have a more active life.

OK, well my life is active - taking kids to baseball, soccer, jobs, school functions, cheerleading, youth group, mall shopping (I have 5 girls!!) etc etc. Not to mention working 5 days a week. I'm busy. I'm just not moving my body much.

SO that's about to change...well, it HAS changed already - but you are going to be able to witness the transformation, if you are so inclined.

2 weeks ago I started using Advocare. They have an energy drink called SPARK that is awesome. I added a product called CATALYST because I heard that people have actually lost weight just with these two products.

Guess what? I've lost a bit of weight, but I FEEL so much better than I have in the past several years I can't believe it! I have more energy, I'm not relyingon coffee to get my "ummph". I don't get caffeine headaches at all, and I haven't had coffee in 5 days! Another great benefit is that I'm not hungry in between meals. That's right - I do NOT crave chocolate, sugar or high carb snacks.

SO - on the 27th or so, I am getting my next step - called Lean in 13. An Herbal Cleanse, some other nutritional supplements that I will talk about later. I am going to jump start this old body into being productive in it's fat use.

Watch me as I shrink away into the Michelle Pfieffer body I know lurks beneath the surface. (OK, I may not be quite as tall, or blonde, or famous...)

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